Thank you for all you are doing to accelerate philanthropy!
We at The Hodge Group are committed to serving our clients from our platform of Hyper-Philanthropy™. This platform blends an organization’s strategy, culture, behaviors, and communications to invite the most streamlined, enthusiastic, philanthropic response possible.
It has been our pleasure to watch our clients grow from this platform over the last 30 years.
Today, we are just as excited to share with you the news of our own growth!
We are happy to introduce our newest team member, Jenn MacCartney as our Administrative and Marketing Coordinator. Jenn joins us from Youngstown, Ohio and brings with her almost two decades of experience in the non-profit sector. Jenn will be a primary point of contact as we continue to enhance our excellent client service model.

As always, it is our pleasure to serve. We lead with our values, which start with Servant Leadership. At THG this means, “We agree to be of service to our clients and to lead humbly by offering our own skills as an extension and enhancement of their current structure.”
The addition of Jenn’s skills will assist us to live fully into this value. Please extend to her a warm welcome!