The Hodge Group Blog

Read The Hodge Group’s weekly posts on industry trends, featured clients, and more.

  • How to Maximize Your Year-End Fundraising Efforts

    How to Maximize Your Year-End Fundraising Efforts

    As the calendar year draws to a close, many nonprofits find themselves amid their most critical fundraising period. Year-end fundraising efforts can significantly impact an organization’s ability to fulfill its mission. Here are a few tips to maximize your year-end fundraising efforts:  Plan Early: If you haven’t started to plan your year-end mailing, then start…

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  • Pledge Periods Unlock Hyper-Philanthropy™

    Pledge Periods Unlock Hyper-Philanthropy™

    Hyper-Philanthropy™️ is about capitalizing on resources within your organization and community at-large. By doing this, you foster an environment where stakeholders understand the influence each has on the other, and the impact of serving the public good through philanthropy. This experience is supported by four pillars: Strategic Vision; Culture; Behavioral Economics; and Communication. These pillars…

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  • The Power of Vibes: Accelerating Your Non-Profit Through Positive Energy

    The Power of Vibes: Accelerating Your Non-Profit Through Positive Energy

    In the world of non-profits, success hinges on your ability to create lasting impact and foster long-term sustainability. While strategic vision, culture, behavioral economics, and effective communication play crucial roles, there is an intangible element among these that can significantly accelerate the growth and success of your organization. We’re talking about vibes, which are the…

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