Clear Communication Avoids Donor Confusion

Communication is the cornerstone of any successful fundraising effort, but it’s even more vital when running a capital campaign alongside an annual fund.  Nonprofit organizations should develop messages that resonate with diverse donor audiences while clearly communicating how each type of initiative serves its distinct purpose. 

First, when strategically outlining your capital campaign, an organization should mitigate the risk to its annual fundraising. If there is any chance of marginal risk, it may not be worth the capital effort. Sustained operations while moving relationships toward major-giving asks is the most important strategy.

If it’s determined a capital project should be included, an organization’s culture can be significantly enhanced when there is buy-in on the special project or initiative. Furthermore, when there is consensus, it’s much easier to project to the community with one message across all voices.

By applying principles of behavioral economics, nonprofits can tailor their messaging to appeal to all donors. For example, those who give to the annual fund may be enticed by the essential day-to-day needs of the organization, while capital campaign donors may be more interested in high-profile, one-time gifts. It’s about giving donors options that align with their personal giving preferences. Donors should feel confident that their gifts, whether for a capital campaign or annual fund are essential to the success of the organization they are supporting. 

Communications to donors should clearly indicate that a campaign gift is in addition to annual support. These messages should also articulate a campaign’s goals in a way that connects with donors on both an emotional and intellectual level. These might include statistics and inspiring stories that help create a sense of urgency and purpose that drives donor engagement. Donor communication should include regular updates on both capital campaign progress and the ongoing importance of annual contributions. This help keep donors engaged, supportive and retains donor trust. 

By applying all pillars of hyper-philanthropy, from strategy to communications, a clear, balanced message to all stakeholders will ensure success for both your annual and capital efforts. Call us today if you are ready to get Hyper about Philanthropy.