The cover story of the latest issue of Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine is all about “Healing Justice.” This term refers to a practice that works to “facilitate collective healing and transform systemic oppression.” Simply put, a commitment to Healing Justice reflects an organization’s understanding that, in the work of philanthropy, oftentimes enacting a nonprofit’s mission comprehensively will require not just a quick infusion of dollars or enacting a temporary policy, but will instead necessitate a long-term shift that results in systems change.
Embracing the pillars of our trademarked methodology of Hyper-Philanthropy™️ gets to the heart of systems change, resulting in a transformative philanthropic impact for your organization that will also lead to Healing Justice. Here’s how:
Strategic Vision: A strong vision and mission always centers the experiences of those you serve. This idea of ‘centering’ refers to work any organization should do to ensure the goals of their beneficiaries is reflected accurately in their daily jobs. For example, THG will sometimes work with an organization to recruit and train new Board members who can better ‘center’ the organization’s work around those who rely on it.
Culture: You can actively shape a culture that reduces bias and centers the experiences of those people most impacted by your work. Again, Board recruitment and training can be transformative here.
Behavioral Economics: Once you understand the psychological, social, and emotional factors behind how a certain population make financial decisions, you can better advance work that centers and empathizes with those individuals. Understanding these factors could also reduce historic biases.
Communication: Strive to develop your messaging in a way that respects the cultural and behavioral issues identified within your community. By doing so, your organization’s communication strategies can better socialize an initiative. One way THG is able to enhance an organization’s philanthropic impact here is by conducting a feasibility study or recruiting a campaign committee that includes the proper individuals within a community to ensure success.
Contact us today to learn how you can become Hyper about Philanthropy.