THG’s trademarked methodology of Hyper-Philanthropy™️ accelerates giving by aligning the four pillars of Strategic Vision; Culture; Behavior Economics; and Communication. These pillars form the foundation and build and/or enhance the greatest philanthropic platform possible for your organization. When explaining a hyper-philanthropic development function to board members and other volunteers, we often describe this process as like the mixing and building of a three-layer cake. Who doesn’t like cake?
The base layer of your cake contains those infrastructure functions that are necessary to run a development shop; Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) software, accounting, legal, communications, marketing, policies and procedures, etc. You want this base to be a strong foundation upon which to build your organization.
The second layer are the people; staff, boards, volunteers – all of the people that make the organization function. They have to be supported by the first layer which provides the tools to do their jobs, however, they also have their own functions which are described in job descriptions and measured with benchmarks.
The cake is topped with your Case for Support (Case), your message or “call to action”. The top layer is how you are communicating your cause to your donors and potential donors. Whether in print, or a video, or multi-media presentation, this layer must be viewed as the feature presentation of the cake.
Earlier we said this was a platform for a philanthropic response. That is where the donors come in to adorn this cake with frosting, decorations, and perhaps even, a topper! All of this only possible because every ingredient was mixed, and every layer built to support the next.
Contact us today to find out how you can create a sweet Hyper-Philanthropic response!