Annual Giving Unlocks Hyper-Philanthropy™️

Hyper-Philanthropy™ is about capitalizing on resources within your organization and your community at-large to foster an environment where staff, board members, and community leaders understand the influence each has on the other and the impact of serving the public good through philanthropy. Simply put, it is about a group of individuals taking Margaret Mead’s words to heart: “never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world; it’s the only thing that ever has.”  

Every single day, employees at your nonprofit wake up with a desire to change the world. Over time, with little steps each day, the impact can be overwhelming. One of those ‘little steps’ is the continual strengthening of your organization’s annual fund. 

Your nonprofit’s annual fund can turn your entire organization into a Hyper-Philanthropic™ one, prepared for a capital campaign or any other major initiative, if it is built intentionally with a commitment to the four pillars of Hyper-Philanthropy™: 

  1. A clear eye on your Strategic Vision
  2. An understanding of how strengthening the annual fund shapes your organization’s Culture (and the culture of your community)
  3. The role your organizational plays in the daily Behavioral Economics of your community
  4. How all of this is Communicated to both donors and clients 

These pillars form the foundation to build and/or enhance the greatest philanthropic platform possible for your organization. Contact us if you’re ready to get Hyper about Philanthropy.